Papa John's & KidSport Alberta


What’s better than pizza? Not much. But what if you could eat your pizza and help local kids get into sport while you’re at it? This was the idea behind Flipp Advertising’s - ‘Pizza PowerPlay"‘ campaign. As account director on the project, we brought together Papa John's Pizza with KidSport Alberta to to create a win-win for kids and pizza lovers alike. The company donates 30% of all pizza sales as well as 10% off every sale directly to a local chapter of KidSport.

The campaign was promoted with a provincial outdoor campaign, radio ads, digital ads and at local hockey rinks and community sports centres across the province and the relationship with KidSport opened the door to working with KidSport on their current 25th Anniversary campaign.


  • Campaign Pitch and Strategy

  • Sponsorship Negotiations and Management

  • Media Buying

  • Social Media Strategy

  • Campaign Management


Creative: Flipp Advertising

Alison Mair